…a Home …a Place …a Space
a Home for a worshipping Church of England congregation
a Place for music & the arts, for gathering & community use
a Space of beauty, rest & refreshment
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 – 1955)
The insight above (from de Chardin) is true for every person - and so we at St Giles’ Church try to be a welcoming, open, inclusive and friendly community church, enabling each other on this journey.
We are in the catholic tradition of the Church of England and we support the ministry of all.
A church has stood on this site of St Giles’ for over 1,000 years and we continue to serve the people of Camberwell to this day.
For the latest Newsletter, Prayers & Readings - click link above or at top of the page - There is a link here to Fr Nick’s YouTube Channel Archive
Sunday 9th March 2025
The First Sunday of Lent 8am said Mass & 10am Parish Mass
Monday 2pm Funeral of Nicholas Roskill R.I.P.
Wednesday 10am Mass
All are welcome, as we pray for peace in our hearts, in our homes, and in our world, through the blessing and presence of God
Prayer Sheet ‘Together in Daily Prayer through Lent’
Usual Sunday and weekday services at St Giles’…..
Usually every Sunday 8am (said) Mass Usually every Sunday 10am Sung Parish Mass Usually every Wednesday 10am Said Mass
Fr Nicholas George, Vicar
Please consider a donation to our ‘Charity Support Buildings Fund’ ……
In addition to our regular Congregation Stewardship Giving we rely heavily on event hire, and other donations.
Like most not-for-profit public buildings were hit hard because of the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns.
We are therefore in continuing need of funds particularly at this time to maintain our other buildings (The St Giles’ Centre and St Giles’ Parish Hall) which we rent out to other charities to enable their work.
Charities we host are: Spring Community Hub Southwark Refugee Community Forum Home & Dry Camberwell Choir School Camberwell Community Choir
We have some on-going and essential maintenance of these buildings continuing during 2024 which will cost us approx. £10,000.
Ordinarily this will have been funded through hire fees for occasional bookings (social events, rehearsals, meetings etc.) for many local community groups and other charities.
If you are able to make a one-off donation to help us to continue to cover these maintenance costs it would be very much appreciated.
For more information please see our New Year 2021 Letter. There will be a 2023/4 update soon
Any help with donations to support us will be greatly appreciated. If you are a UK tax payer you can also gift aid your donation. Please go to our Just Giving page below.
You can also donate by bank transfer to:
Account name: St Giles Sort Code: 20-66-51 Account Number: 307 931 08 With the reference: C S Buildings Fund
If you are a UK Tax payer, you can Gift Aid your donation which will give us an extra 25% on whatever you kindly donate. If contributing by bank transfer, please email us at office@camberwellparish.org.uk for a gift aid form.
If you are supporting us through Just Giving, you will be asked if you wish to Gift Aid your donation automatically.
Thank you. Your consideration and donation will be very much appreciated.
Fr Nicholas George (Vicar)
On behalf of our Churchwardens and Church Council of St Giles’ Church.