Congratulations on choosing to get married!

Planning a wedding is an exciting time (even if it can be a bit tiring!) and should you choose to get married at St Giles’ we’ll do our very best to make your wedding a joyous and memorable occasion.

If you’re just starting out planning for a wedding, we highly recommend the website It’s a website which has been set up by the Church of England and goes into lots of detail about how a church wedding works and what it can offer. After having a look, we’d suggest you fill in a wedding enquiry form – forms are available at the back of church or email us at with your contact details, names and a rough idea of when you would like to get married.

There are some more details below about next steps but you are very welcome to have a chat to one of the clergy team after a service for more information too.

Weddings and Connections to St Giles’

To get married at St Giles’ you will need to have a connection to our church.

You can get married at St Giles’ if you can show that one of you:

  • has at any time lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months or

  • was baptised in the parish or

  • was prepared for confirmation in the parish or

  • has at any time attended services at St Giles’ for a period of at least 6 months

Or that one of your parents, at any time after you were born:

  • has lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months or

  • has attended church services at St Giles’ for a period of at least 6 months

Or that one of your parents or grandparents was married in the parish.

Banns when getting married elsewhere
If you live in our parish or worship at St Giles’ and are getting married elsewhere, please email the parish office to arrange, and to pay the legal fee (in 2022 this is £48) We will then let you know which date the banns will be read out after our 10am service. After the final reading, your banns certificate will be sent to you.


If you have been married before then it may still be possible for you to get married in church, but you will need to talk about this with Fr Nick. If the marriage is not possible in church it is still possible to have a very meaningful celebration of marriage following a civil ceremony.

Wedding blessings & Renewal of Vows

If you have reached a very special anniversary in your marriage – or even if you have not – we are able to help celebrate your marriage at St Giles’ with a renewed commitment to your vows. Sometimes, a service like this may help you both following a period when life has been very difficult. Or perhaps it is because life has been very good and you would like to give thanks to God. Whatever the reason, we are happy to help.

Receptions, Music, Choir and Bells

Whatever service you choose, St Giles’ has hirable premises and can provide ‘all the trimmings’ such as an organist, choir and bells. Fr Nick will be able to discuss these in more detail.